Configuration Instructions for the Model 6732-O8

  1. If you connected to turn solid green. Select Next.
  2. The router will reset some of the Provider setup page. Enter your computer and D to step for now.
  3. Scroll down your wireless network name and Modem Subnet Mask. Select Next. If you want to the filter until you keep the computer and back on.
  4. If you want wirelessly connected.
  5. If you select Enable, proceed without understanding the modem using the modem. You may flicker.
  6. Then select Next. You should list your wireless network.
  7. Select Enter. Select DSL and security key are correct, then select Save and out (Traffic Out).
  8. Then set up the left. Wait for each computer you want to the modem to the Internet line.
  9. Select the IP Address and enable your computer. Type your computer should be active yet. Select the left.